Before the meat and milk
Located on 60,000 decares of land the farm of Nedko Nedkov – Ovcharovo Ltd produces thousands of tons of crops a year. The estimated numbers, consistent with the annual crop rotation we can mention are as follows:
Corn – beans about 25,000 tons per year
Wheat – about 15,000 tons per year
Sunflower – about 5,000 tons annually
Alfalfa – 5-6 thousand tons per year
In the first years of the company, the entire production has been traded, but now we use over 90% of the crop for the farm. At present, we sell only part of the sunflower seeds and everything else is being utilized by more than 6,000 animals on the farm.
The whole process – from sowing to harvesting and preparation of the food – are strictly monitored by our agronomists. They are responsible for maintaining the most appropriate varieties of crops to satisfy and meet the needs of our farm, without having to import additional fodders. Over the years, the professionals justified unconditionally our trust and until now the crops we grow are enough to completely cover all the necessary food for our animals.
We generally use tractors “John Deere” and combines “Case” in land cultivation and harvesting, but we also have other diverse machinery and equipment. We use one of the largest self-propelled mixers for mixing of the food. Our goal is the process of growing and processing of crops to be maximally easy, fast and effective.
Our main objective in the cultivation of cereals and fodder is they to be as clean as it is possible. We do not use gene modification, chemical fertilizers are minimized and where it is possible – replaced with an organic fertilizer.
All this is necessary to preserve the purity of the meat and milk. It is well known that the food that animals eat, affects meat and with even greater force on the milk, and hence of its derivatives – cheese, cream, yogurt and butter.
Hopefully it is obvious that the attention we give in the cultivation of our crops is not accidental or caused by the influence of “modern” trends for clean food and nature preservation. Our long practice in farming is our guide, so the best outcome, to which we always strive for, is available thanks to inputted thought, care and diligence in everything we do.